Designed to help clinicians assess the presence or absence of Amyloid plaque in the brain. Provides quantitative analysis tools for Brain PET scans using Amyvid, NeuraCeq and Vizamyl agents.
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Incisive CT helps you meet some of your organization’s most pressing challenges. Philips Incisive CT offers intellect at every step, from acquisition through results, and across all fronts: financial, clinical and operational. Like never before, operator and design efficiencies come together for wise decisions from start to finish with an unprecedented Tube for Life guarantee¹. Now with the CT Smart Workflow, Incisive CT has further differentiated itself. CT Smart Workflow is an entirely new package of AI enabled tools that bring you the industry’s fastest AI reconstruction, automatic patient positioning and so much more to aid successful exams with fast results at low dose. From motion-free cardiac imaging to interventional procedures with confidence, CT Smart workflow offers you advances that matter in your day-to-day imaging.
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Never underestimate the life-changing power of a fast, confident diagnosis. Now you can lead with spectral speed. Expand patient care with a one-stop solution across radiology, cardiology, oncology, neurology and ED/trauma. Workflow is easy. In one spectral scan you get insightful results quickly, with no special protocols or separate reconstructions required. Scan in seconds as you normally would for conventional CT with immediate access to spectral CT results.
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