Philips IntelliVue MP5SC with IntelliVue Guardian Early Warning Scoring (EWS) helps enhance patient care by providing sought-after measurements and Clinical Decision Support right at the point of care.
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IntelliVue Guardian Early Warning Scoring to aid rapid response
IntelliVue Guardian Early Warning Scoring to aid rapid response
IntelliVue Guardian Early Warning Scoring to aid rapid response
IntelliVue Guardian Early Warning Scoring to aid rapid response
Essential measurements to support informed decisions
Essential measurements to support informed decisions
Essential measurements to support informed decisions
Flexible operational modes for use on the general ward
Flexible operational modes for use on the general ward
Flexible operational modes for use on the general ward
Large 8.4" touchscreen shows key data at a glance
Large 8.4" touchscreen shows key data at a glance
Large 8.4" touchscreen shows key data at a glance
Flexible MX40 connection with short range radio
Flexible MX40 connection with short range radio
Flexible MX40 connection with short range radio
IntelliVue user interface simplifies monitoring
IntelliVue user interface simplifies monitoring
IntelliVue user interface simplifies monitoring
Standard supplies - same as rest of IntelliVue monitors
Standard supplies - same as rest of IntelliVue monitors
Standard supplies - same as rest of IntelliVue monitors
Clinical Decision Support - Standard IntelliVue Guardian EWS
Clinical Decision Support - Standard IntelliVue Guardian EWS
Clinical Decision Support - Standard IntelliVue Guardian EWS
IntelliVue Guardian Early Warning Scoring to aid rapid response
IntelliVue Guardian Early Warning Scoring to aid rapid response
IntelliVue Guardian Early Warning Scoring to aid rapid response
IntelliVue Guardian Early Warning Scoring to aid rapid response
Essential measurements to support informed decisions
Essential measurements to support informed decisions
Essential measurements to support informed decisions
Flexible operational modes for use on the general ward
Flexible operational modes for use on the general ward
Flexible operational modes for use on the general ward
Large 8.4" touchscreen shows key data at a glance
Large 8.4" touchscreen shows key data at a glance
Large 8.4" touchscreen shows key data at a glance
Flexible MX40 connection with short range radio
Flexible MX40 connection with short range radio
Flexible MX40 connection with short range radio
IntelliVue user interface simplifies monitoring
IntelliVue user interface simplifies monitoring
IntelliVue user interface simplifies monitoring
Standard supplies - same as rest of IntelliVue monitors
Standard supplies - same as rest of IntelliVue monitors
Standard supplies - same as rest of IntelliVue monitors
Clinical Decision Support - Standard IntelliVue Guardian EWS
Clinical Decision Support - Standard IntelliVue Guardian EWS
Clinical Decision Support - Standard IntelliVue Guardian EWS
Learn more about this and other advanced monitoring technology, wearables and software that seamlessly combine with enterprise-wide interoperability to get your hospital up and running quickly with automated early warning scoring.
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ContinueVed at klikke på linket forlader du den officielle Royal Philips ("Philips") hjemmeside. Eventuelle links til tredjepartswebsteder, der kan vises på dette websted, er kun tilvejebragt for din bekvemmelighed og repræsenterer på ingen måde nogen tilknytning til eller godkendelse af oplysningerne på disse linkede websteder. Philips giver ingen erklæringer eller garantier af nogen art med hensyn til tredjepartswebsteder eller oplysningerne deri.
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