This compact thermal array recorder module works with Philips modular patient monitors. It offers powerful recording capabilities and produces high-resolution waveforms and measurements.
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ContinueThorough documentation for high-quality care
Thorough documentation for high-quality care
Thorough documentation for high-quality care
Thorough documentation for high-quality care
High-quality output for documentation
High-quality output for documentation
High-quality output for documentation
High-quality output for documentation
Compatible with the range of Philips IntelliVue patient monitors
Compatible with the range of Philips IntelliVue patient monitors
Compatible with the range of Philips IntelliVue patient monitors
Compatible with the range of Philips IntelliVue patient monitors
Operated from the monitor or directly from the module
Operated from the monitor or directly from the module
Operated from the monitor or directly from the module
Operated from the monitor or directly from the module
Versatile and durable recording format
Versatile and durable recording format
Versatile and durable recording format
Quick and precise output provides comprehensive overview
Quick and precise output provides comprehensive overview
Quick and precise output provides comprehensive overview
Thorough documentation for high-quality care
Thorough documentation for high-quality care
Thorough documentation for high-quality care
Thorough documentation for high-quality care
High-quality output for documentation
High-quality output for documentation
High-quality output for documentation
High-quality output for documentation
Compatible with the range of Philips IntelliVue patient monitors
Compatible with the range of Philips IntelliVue patient monitors
Compatible with the range of Philips IntelliVue patient monitors
Compatible with the range of Philips IntelliVue patient monitors
Operated from the monitor or directly from the module
Operated from the monitor or directly from the module
Operated from the monitor or directly from the module
Operated from the monitor or directly from the module
Versatile and durable recording format
Versatile and durable recording format
Versatile and durable recording format
Quick and precise output provides comprehensive overview
Quick and precise output provides comprehensive overview
Quick and precise output provides comprehensive overview
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The IntelliVue MX800 is Philips first patient care solution to incorporate patient monitoring and clinical informatics. Designed to simplify access to patient information you need to enhance diagnostic confidence throughout the hospital.
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The IntelliVue MX500 combines powerful monitoring with flexible portability in one compact unit. Supplying comprehensive patient information at a glance, it can make a real difference when multiple patients and priorities need attention.
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Philips IntelliVue MX700 bedside patient monitor offers an expanded, real-time view of your patients’ vital signs. The integrated PC (iPC) option brings a host of clinically relevant information from your hospital’s intranet & applications.
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ContinueVed at klikke på linket forlader du den officielle Royal Philips ("Philips") hjemmeside. Eventuelle links til tredjepartswebsteder, der kan vises på dette websted, er kun tilvejebragt for din bekvemmelighed og repræsenterer på ingen måde nogen tilknytning til eller godkendelse af oplysningerne på disse linkede websteder. Philips giver ingen erklæringer eller garantier af nogen art med hensyn til tredjepartswebsteder eller oplysningerne deri.
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